The Testing is a new, creative look at dystopia
The Testing is about a dystopian society where the smartest students get chosen to go to “the University” and further their education, a prestigious honor many young adults desire. Malencia Vale is one of such selected, but she soon finds out that the University is more nightmarish than she could ever imagine.
The book is an original idea in the sea of so many dystopian novels. There is of course the staples of corrupt governments and lots of violence and death, but the idea of school taken to an extremely high stakes level is creative and appealing.
There is also a notable lack of annoying, clichéd love triangles within the book. Malencia falls for just one boy, and while some of the romantic aspects are overused and annoying, the love story is not the main focus of the book.
Malencia is a strong, intelligent character, and a good choice of lead. She seems true to life and is quite relatable. Her situation is quite terrifying and dismal, and one can’t help but sympathize with her.
Overall, the book is refreshing and entertaining. Definitely check it out and read it before author Joelle Charbonneau visits LZHS.

Brianne is an aspiring writer with many poems and short stories filed away. Her current project is a full-length novel she hopes to publish. She is very...