A movie worth watching: Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes of Grindelwald
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Fantastic Beasts: Crimes Of Grindelwald was boosted with action scenes, amazing special effects and witty commentary. While there are some flaws, it doesn’t take away from the experience.
Magical Beasts, witty characters, spells and amazing action scenes. Drawing in the viewers with quirky jokes and amazing special effects.
The second in its series, Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes of Grindelwald definitely lives up to the hype. The unique characters and magical spells draw in the viewer’s love for fantasy and magic, just like every Harry Potter film.
“Notching up his sixth Rowling-inspired film, [David Yates (director for Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald)] truly understands what makes the Wizarding World work. Each frame is filled to the brim with detail, whether it’s goblins cleaning windows on floating lifts or a contraption hovering round the Ministry of Magic (well, someone has to do it). Nor are the ‘beasts’ forgotten, from baby Nifflers cheekily popping champagne corks to the beautiful seaweed-skinned Kelpies, some Japanese water demons, and one lion-like creature that can travel 1,000 miles in a day.” James Mottram, writer from Total Film, said.
One flaw that really stands out is the the many subplots and while it all comes together at the end, the viewer has to really focus to understand what’s going on. You definitely need to watch this when you don’t have anything to do, because in order to understand the complex plot, the movie needs your full attention
“On the page, Rowling is a master storyteller, creating worlds so richly populated and densely textured that you can easily summon them up in your mind without ever having watched a single adaptation of her work. What occasionally trips her up is plot structure — the arrangement of all her attractive, whirling parts.” Manohla Dargis, a reporter from the New York Times, said. “Steve Kloves, who wrote all but one of the Harry Potter movies, was gifted at giving cinematic shape to Rowling’s increasingly long novels, with all their detours and savory details. Here, however, Rowling has surrendered to her maximalist tendencies and so cluttered up the story that you spend far too much time trying to untangle who did what to whom and why.”
While the dark scenes and confusing subplots are major concerns it doesn’t take away from the message of the movie. Overall, Fantastic Beast and The Crimes If Grindelwald is a really good movie that lives up to the hype. Eddie Redmayne’s (who plays Newton Scamander) charming acting shows how he is really meant for this role and the amazing visual effects blow the viewer away.

This is Marissa's first year on staff and second year in the journalism program. As a sophomore, Marissa likes to take long walks to the fridge and spends...