Why Google Calendar should be your only calendar

Google Calendar is a easy way to get organized whether you aren’t too busy or a person with a hectic schedule. By being able to share multiple calendars, everyone can stay connected and on track.
Second semester can be hard, especially when you don’t even know what day it is or what your schedule looks like. Google Calendar is an easy and free way to stay organized and always to stay on top of things.
Google Calendar has been my ‘go-to’ app to stay organized with club meetings, sports practices, and social outings. The calendar is very easy to use and users can color code special dates, events, and reminders to stand out in specific times. Google Calendar also allows you to add locations to events so the calendar can alert you so you would have ample time to get to events on time.
While Google Calendar comes with a variety of likable features, my favorite characteristic is that you can create your own calendar and add other people to it, or be added to a previously made Google Calendar.
“Calendars and scheduling are an unfortunate part of modern life. Thankfully, Google has made the complex much more simple with its online calendar tool,” Rob Lefebvre, from App Advice, said. “You can keep your own personal schedule and add an infinite number of other calendars that you can then color code to keep track of a busy life.”
This is especially helpful when you are the president of a club or captain of a sports team – you can make sure that there are no questions about meeting times, locations, or other details. It is also really helpful with families! By sharing doctor appointments, days that you don’t have school, and mandatory practices, it allows every single member to know what each person is doing. The people that you add don’t necessarily have to have a Google email account, so everyone is included, regardless if that person has a Google Calendar for themselves.
This is a great app for a person who loves to be organized and color code just about everything, but also a helpful tip for someone that needs to start getting down to business.

Last year, Jemma was the Bear Facts Student Media Editor-In-Chief and is now the Sports Editor. She loves getting involved within the school as she is...