Above 4 goes above and beyond
Battle of the Bands winner, Above 4, rocked out at their debut concert last Friday with opening act, Cooking with Beyond Gravity.
Above 4 played an hour-long set with a performance filled with different genres, going from heavy rock songs like “Uprising” by Muse, to more mellow songs like “Blackbird” by The Beatles. The band also interacted with crowd well and often had spectators clapping along to the beat or singing along to the chorus of popular songs.
“I liked how they played a variety of songs that people would actually know and can sing along to,” Rachel Moore, freshman, said. “I thought that they were really upbeat and it really helped make the performance better than it already was.”
The band’s performance did not fall short of the preview of their set at Battle of the Bands during the beginning of the year. All four members played great together and the transitions between songs were smooth. Every instrument was played sensationally, with clean and clear sounds through each note, despite some mishaps with amplifiers and microphones.
Likewise, opening band, Cooking with Beyond Gravity, experienced technical difficulties with their instruments and multiple pauses during their twenty-minute long set. Overlooking the awkward interruptions, the rest of the set was filled with alternative rock and metal songs, catching the audience’s attention with intense guitar solos and bass riffs.
Although the opening act was not much to talk about, Above 4 was able to impress the crowd once again with superb instrument-playing talent, amazing vocals, and exceptional performers. Overall, Above 4’s performance was definitely one that did not fall short of the hype.

As a sophomore, Dayna is first-year Spotlight writer. She loves dogs, playing guitar, and music. Some of her favorite artists are Fifth Harmony, Twenty...