Having a pass is in the past, problems with no-pass policy

While the library should be used to help students with their studies, the new policy is doing anything but.
If a student wants to go to the library now or any other resource center, a pass is not required according to the new policy. Before this year, students had to have a pass from a teacher and sign in wherever they were. While the new change allows students more freedom when they need to go to the library, which is a good way for students to get the help they need, some of the students do not truly need to be there and they cause problems for those who want to actually study.
“I think it’s really efficient for the resource rooms, but for library, the other day I went and since there’s only two to a table and first comes first serve. I had to do homework, but [the librarian] didn’t let me go,” said Kelly Kerrigan, senior, who needed to use the library for homework during fifth period, but was sent away after due to the amount of kids already in the library.
Since students now are able to go to the library even if they do not have a school-related reason, the library is filled with students during open periods and lunches. While this may seem like a good thing, it is clear that not all of the students are there to work.
Kerrigan says she witnessed on a different occasion kids goofing off in the library and instead of working were talking and distracting others.
Not all of the students in the library and resource centers are there for the wrong reasons, but the students who are, take up space for students who need to work.
The people who do not have to work should not be allowed to utilize the library, but after the no-pass policy, there is no limit to who can or cannot go. The administration should rethink this new policy. If the school is trying to help students, help us out by providing quiet places where we can really study.

Along with being Editor-in-Chief of the Bear Facts magazine, Chloe is involved with Yearbook, Student Leadership, Student Council, SNAP, and Interact....