High of expectations for movies

Most of movies in theaters today are not original screenplays, based of off book and cartoons already written. Sadly, there is way too much content in the written works to put into the movies.
Recently, the movie Jem and the Holograms came in and out of theaters, pretty quickly within a two week span. It was based of the cartoon that ran for seven years in the 80s. The cartoon was meant for a younger audience at the time and the movie was as well, but since it took almost two and a half decades to recreate the cartoon in the movies, many previous fans were either not interested in seeing it or thought it would live up to its high expectations.
“If I see it, it will probably be with my niece,” Courtney May, English teacher and former watcher of the cartoon, said. “At this age, I don’t think it’s something I would actively search out. It’s been awhile since I’ve been into that.”
If this movie was made for nostalgic reasons, then it would have had a better chance 20 years ago. Even then, it is impossible to compact all seven years into one movie.
It can be difficult for movies to meet the preset expectations given to them from the fans of the books. Like how the Divergent and Insurgent movies didn’t fully project the book content. Books contain hundreds of pages and movies can only be around 2 hours most of the time. It’s extremely difficult to make the book lovers happy and provide an enjoyable movie for everyone.
It is safe to say most movies will not perfectly project the book(s), so if people are going to go see a movie based off a book, they should just watch it for the enjoyment and not pick out details that are wrong or missing.
The movie was based of the cartoon version that ran for seven years in the 1980s. The movie involves Jerrica and her sisters, one biological and two foster, and Jerricas’ fathers’ robot invention called synergy. One sister posted a video of Jem singing on YouTube and it went viral. This was noticed by the head of a popular record company who took Jem and her sisters on as band and took them out to Hollywood. It does not take long for synergy to begin taking a crucial role in this story and sending the sisters and an unlikely friend on a hunt to discover messages sent to Jem from her father.
The movie didn’t do so well in the theatres because of a mixture between Jem and the Hologram cartoon fanatics assuming the movie wouldn’t live up the the cartoon standard, making the movie long after the cartoon ended, and being on the brink of false advertising by making viewers believe it would resemble the cartoon and showing commercials on kids networks. It was pulled out of theatres after only two weeks, according to yahoo.com.
Maybe if this movie was more timely, it could have become popular, but just like many other book fanatics, the cartoon watchers rebelled against seeing the movie in fear of it not being perfectly represented from the cartoon, according to one of the boycotting Facebook accounts with almost 400 likes and counting.
Cartoon fanatics have to keep in mind that this cartoon ran for 7 years and this is only one movie. It is literally impossible for movies to resemble its book pairing perfectly in about 2 hours so it’s unfair to assume that this movie was going to be perfect. In this scenario, adults and their kids should walk into the theater with an open mind and watch the movie without high expectations.
“At least give it a chance,” May said. “You don’t have to watch the whole thing. You never know.”

This will be Rachel's third year on staff. After being a staff writer for two years, she has been given the opportunity this year to take on the responsibilities...