“Invincible,” filled with fierce, driving lyrics to help boost confidence
With a voice like Cassadee Pope’s, it’s no wonder she won Season 3 of The Voice. In her new single “Invincible,” Pope uses her strong vocal chords to sing a female empowerment ballad.
“The first few words, ‘For my girls, the fighters, the warriors’ gives the listener a strong hint of what to expect,” Andy MacBride says in his review on FortheCountryRecord.com.
Pope calls out to any girls who have been bullied in the past and calls them to be stronger than everyone, to become invincible. It’s definitely Pope’s voice that helps the empowerment of the song. Her driving, fierce voice pushes the entire song from beginning to end.
The chorus keeps supporting Pope’s anthem throughout the song, with the words “I’m invincible, I’m unbreakable, I’m a diamond cut to last, I’m unstoppable, I’m a hero, like a phoenix from the ashes,” which song definitely boosts your self esteem.
Overall, this song is a great song to get you through a tough workout. There are lots of easily belted out words and a pushing beat throughout the whole song. When she reaches the bridge, Pope belts out the words ‘Nothing gonna make me break or shatter. Nobody’s gonna tell me that I don’t matter’ and after those words, heads to the final chorus of the song.

Last year, Jemma was the Bear Facts Student Media Editor-In-Chief and is now the Sports Editor. She loves getting involved within the school as she is...