Using your iPhone to get motivated

Using your iPhone to get motivated

Pumping up for school seems like an impossible task after two months of doing nothing. The thought of actual work will probably make you want to stay in bed all day. But with these helpful apps, the thought of fitting in all the studying, homework, and projects won’t be too overwhelming.  




Can’t stay focused enough to write an essay? Do you procrastinate doing homework by scrolling through Facebook or Tumblr? The Google Chrome extension ‘Stay Focused’ can fix all of that.


The customizable extension blocks certain websites of your choosing, depending on the days and time spent on the website,also chosen by you. The extension blocks those websites that distract you from the important things when you can’t bring yourself to close them yourself.


The nuclear mode makes it even better. It blocks every single website on the internet except for the ones that you have allowed in your settings. You won’t be able to browse the internet for anything that isn’t school related until you’re done with your homework. This app is perfect for overcoming your inner procrastinator.


myHomework Student Planner


There isn’t anything more annoying than going home thinking you have no homework, only to come back to school the next day realizing you forgot to complete a project that was assigned the week before. The free app ‘myHomework Student Planner,’ which can be downloaded in both the App and Google Play store, can help avoid these situations.


This app is a better version of a student planner that every student gets at the beginning of the year, just digital and more in depth. The app allows you to add homework assignments, test dates, project due dates, and organize them all by class and priority. Every assignment is displayed on a calendar which will send reminders about upcoming and late assignments.


“” is an accompanying app that allows teachers to share due dates and other class information. If a student joins a teacher’s class account on the app, all the information gets transferred to students’ calendars. There is also an announcement section that teachers can use to reiterate information or just to remind students of anything important.




Being a teenager can be a lot to handle. Between school, after school activities, standardized tests, and trying to have a social life, getting any sleep is a feat all in itself. That’s not even mentioning the hours of homework students have to squeeze in every day. The free app “30/30,” which is only available in the App Store, might be just the thing to make all those hours of homework easier to accomplish.


The whole point of this app is to organize that long list of assignments that you need to finish. After you input everything that you have to accomplish, you can choose a set amount of time you want to work on each thing, and start a timer. When the time allotted for each task is up, your phone notifies you that you should switch tasks.


It’s very easy to organize your time and not forget everything that you have to do. The app also allows you to create different lists, loop any timer, and you’re always free to change the time allowed whenever needed. You can even designate times for breaks in between the studying and essays. This app makes it very easy to manage everything that you need to be accomplished.