Summer is the best time for school
Summer school offers students plenty of reasons to keep up with their education
Summer isn’t just for lounging at the pool or sitting on the couch. Students who take summer school can earn credits toward graduation, make up failed classes, or just take an elective for fun. Taking summer classes lets students maintain or grow in their education, receive help from their teachers, and free up their schedules for the next year. With all of these opportunities, students should definitely enroll in summer school.
People opposed to summer school may believe that summer classes don’t match the quality of school year learning, perhaps because summer is full of distractions or teachers’ lesson plans are too rushed to fit the three week academic session. However, staying on top of education is important, even over the summer. When the regular school year starts back up, most students have difficulty refreshing their memories from the previous year, making summer school all the more important.
According to a study conducted by Harris Cooper, professor at Duke University, students “showed little or no academic growth over summer, and at worst, students lost one to three months of learning.”
By attending a summer school course or camp, students can keep themselves academically active, as well as maintain and strengthen their grasp on information they have already learned.
Another reason summer school is beneficial is because during the school year, teachers are torn with maintaining several classes at different grade levels and subjects. Many students have difficulty reaching out to teachers and finding times they are available to offer time in their busy schedule. However, summer school classes tend to be smaller, and teachers find it easier to attend to their students’ needs.
Plus, students are able to have more in-depth conversations with their teachers, getting help with individual subjects without the disruption of rowdy classmates.
“I think being with that same group for a longer period allows closer relationships, as well as easier ways to teach for different learning styles of students as opposed to 44-minute class period,” John Jorgensen, government summer school teacher, said. “You can get to know all of the students a little bit better.”
Taking classes in summer also shortens the time it takes to learn the material. In just three weeks students cover what would normally take half of the school year. Classes like Consumer Education and Government, for example, are required in order to graduate. By taking these classes in the summer, students can free up their schedules during the school year and have more room for fun, like taking electives of their choice.
Students in high school are always being told to try and experience new things and summer school classes allow students to do that. Summer school not only helps students with their education, but it also frees up their time during the school year for more fun! Students should definitely take advantage of the great opportunity summer school offers.

As a sophomore, Dayna is first-year Spotlight writer. She loves dogs, playing guitar, and music. Some of her favorite artists are Fifth Harmony, Twenty...