Newbie takes the road
Photo by Alexandra Rauchfuss
Sasha Razin, sophomore takes drivers ed at the school and has been practicing for about 4 months to get her license.
December 12, 2019
Many sophomores are jumping on the opportunity to take Drivers Ed as soon as they turn 15. They are more eager to drive themselves and their friends around.
In Drivers Ed classes, many sophomores are learning the skills to make their own choices and be smart when it comes to driving.
While some may find taking Drivers Ed outside of school more convenient, there are also positives to taking Drivers Ed at the school. For Sasha Razin, sophomore, it was better for her to wait until the school year to take Drivers Ed.
“I didn’t have time to take the class over the summer, so I waited to take it during the school year because that was the only time my parents could take me,” Razin said.
When Razin began driving, it was unfamiliar and it took her lots of practice to get used to.
“The first time I drove, I was in a parking lot, and it was really scary because I wasn’t really used to pressing the gas and braking and turning,” Razin said. “It took a while to get used to the feeling.”
Now that Razin has been driving for about four months, she is already looking forward to getting her license in June.
“I’m excited because I will have more independence, and I won’t have to keep asking my parents to drive me everywhere,” Razin said. “I can basically drive wherever and whenever I want.”