New technology causes issues among teachers

Apple TV has been creating technical issues for many teachers in the school, creating problems and causing gaps in the learning process.

Teachers throughout the school, such as Libby Reimann, social studies teacher, have been integrating iPads into the curriculum. However, problems with Apple TV have caused disruptions in the learning process.
Teachers throughout the school, such as Libby Reimann, social studies teacher, have been integrating iPads into the curriculum. However, problems with Apple TV have caused disruptions in the learning process.


“With the issues I’ve encountered so far, primarily Apple TV will kick my iPad off [the system,]” Aaron Dame, math teacher working with an iPad, said.


Teachers are unsure if the issues are related to the school’s wireless internet or if there is a specific issue with the iPads, but the problems can come in the way of learning, according to Dame.


“[Sometimes] I’m trying to use my iPad to do notes, and it either can’t find Apple TV or it gets kicked off when I need it, which is an issue,” Dame said.


Despite the many issues, most teachers find the overall purpose and use of the iPads helpful.


“The hiccups with Apple TV have been very minimal,” Dame said. “I think overall Apple TV has had a positive effect and has been very helpful in the classroom.”