The legendary game series known for great graphics and an awesome story line Grand Theft Auto is back. After a 5 year hiatus, Grand Theft Auto V hit stores last month and excited gamers ready to dust off the their game consoles and get playing.
The series started in 1999 and has been a success since. GTA V spent five years in production after GTA IV was released back in 2009. The new game grossed a record breaking income of $1 billon dollars in 3 days after its release date of September 17, 2013 and has exceeded fans expectations since releasing.
David Block, junior and GTA fan game was feverishly waiting for the game to come out when he saw the previews in 2011. With patience he made it to 2013 and the game is living up to his expectations.
“I like GTA a lot, it’s a fun game that I think I will be playing for a while, I’d give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars because I don’t think any game is perfect but this is pretty close to it,” Block expressed. “The best part is the map, which is the biggest in the GTA series yet,” Block said.
In the previous GTA game, the story aloud you to play as one character and to complete all the tasks necessary to finish the game, the new game vamps up the experience allowing the player to able to play as 3 characters.
“[The] best part is controlling all three characters,” Dom Fava, senior expressed about the game.
Not only has the game enhanced the characters but enhancing the graphics as well creating realistic city that really puts you in the world of the game.
With all the love Block has for the game his only disappointment is that the game dose not memorize cheat codes which means he has to re-enter them every time he wants to use one. This affects his game play because it takes time and cheats are vital to him due to his lack of gaming skill.
David Thornton was also much pumped for the new game to come out.
“I really enjoy Grand Theft Auto, it’s actually an amazing stress reliever,” David Thornton, junior said. “I get to live out my alter ego, thug life without actually getting in trouble,” Thornton said.
Even with positive reviews from players about GTA V, some may be concerned about the price. Video games typically come with a price of about $60 and can make a buyer nervous about buying the game for fear of wasting money and time.
“It was worth the price because the hours I will spend playing, will justify the price,” Block said.
In GTA IV rock star games (the software company that created the series) delivered fans and incredible gaming experience that can be described as legendary. GTA V was held to high standard when previews for the game popped up online. The game is known for giving players free range on any all activities they want. In the new game players will find a multitude of new things they can make their characters can do giving them the ultimate gaming experience.