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Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Several members show their smiles after one of the first of many meetings. Anna Roscoe, Grace Karstens, Anna Gilbertson, Amulya Monangi, Sophia Patrinos (all seniors pictured left to right).

Spreading the message

Lindsey Bitzer, Sports Editor
March 15, 2024
Adam braces himself for the next play. He says he faces large amounts of pressure throughout the football season.

Under pressure

Tessa Fabsik, Staff Writer
March 15, 2024
For five days I did not look at my phone. This allowed me to live in the moment and be more productive.

Spending 120 hours without my phone

Tessa Fabsik, Staff Writer
November 28, 2023
Sashrika Shyam, junior, checking the ingredients of non-dairy milk. This has become a common practice every time I am at a grocery store.

Taking on allergy anxiety

Sashrika Shyam, Perspectives Editor
January 10, 2023
Steuer enjoys playing sports and exercising as part of her self-care. She plays volleyball and soccer to keep herself both physically and mentally strong.

Students struggle with stress

Emma Harper, Staff writer
May 20, 2022
Singing music's praises

Singing music’s praises

Sashrika Shyam, Staff Writer
March 21, 2022
Students are constantly pressured from school to succeed and prepare for the future. However, under quarantine, parents are also pressuring their children, causing many teens to lose their independence.

Locked down

Annette Suk, Business Manager
August 31, 2020
Laura Beata, HAO - LENG counselor, meets with Kelly Sibert, junior, about scheduling, but counselors also assist students in times of crisis. “I think a common thing in high school [is] a lot of social media issues, like someone’s saying something unkind, or even the perception that things like that are happening can cause a student to be in crisis,” Beata said.

Counseling through crisis

Sasha Kek, Staff Writer
March 13, 2020

Fighting the Confusion

Brianne Saab, secretary
December 11, 2015
Anxiety: Living in Panic

Anxiety: Living in Panic

Dayna Morga, staff writer
December 11, 2015
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