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Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Technology consumes teeangers’ daily lives, which exposes them to negative and positive influences and opportunities, according Ryan Siegel, senior. “Technology makes us more self aware. For better or worse, it makes it so that the attention seekers can get their attention and they'll do whatever just to get more attention,” Siegel said. “It also makes it so that we can better society. You'll always see it on YouTube or wherever, the one story that someone wrote, did, that just changed someone's life, and most people see that - whether they actually do it or not is a different story - but they want to change and do something like that. It kind of makes people want to be better.”

Stuck to screens

Sasha Kek, LZ Life Editor
March 21, 2022
The decision between staying on task for homework and distracting oneself with technology effects on their effort and time. Teachers voice out their concern over students and their usage on technology, and some may have a problem choosing.

Two sides of the same class

Annette Suk, Staff Writer
August 24, 2018
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