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Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Adam Cupples

Adam Cupples, Sports Editor

As a sophomore, this is Adam's first year on staff for the Bear Facts Student Media Program. In addition to Bear Facts, Adam is also involved in the cross country and track programs at the high school. Adam aspires to graduate college after studying either journalism or political science. In his free time, Adam enjoys running, biking, reading, and hanging out with friends and family.

All content by Adam Cupples
The life skills class poses during their dog treat project. Members of the class said they enjoyed baking the snacks.

Doggone good snacks

Adam Cupples, Staff Writer
November 27, 2017
Charlie Frampton, trumpet player, performs at a concert earlier this year. Frampton was one of the few students selected to participate in the ILMEA festival from the high school's jazz band.

Definitely their forte

Adam Cupples, Staff Writer
October 30, 2017
Martin and her kids pose during a family outing. Martin started a family in Illinois after living in South America for more than half of her life.

Moving on up

Adam Cupples, Staff Writer
October 29, 2017
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