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Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Lake Zurich High School Student Media

Bear Facts

Megan Monoson

Megan Monoson , Magazine Editor-in-Chief

As a senior in her third year on staff, Megan (spelled the right way) will be taking on the role as Magazine Editor-in-Chief of Bear Facts Student Media. In previous years she was the Cover Editor and a writer for the in-depth section of the magazine now known as Spotlight. When Megan is not working on Bear Facts, she spends her time coaching the Lake Zurich Flames Elite cheerleading team known as Inferno, nannying three adorable little girls, and cheerleading as a member of the varsity team. Although she hasn't yet decided what she will major in, Megan is considering UW-Madison, and seven other universities.  

All content by Megan Monoson
Every night, the Keskas  spend time together as a family making dinner. Since the family moved to the United States from Poland, they say they have become closer and enjoy spending time with eachother doing things such as making dinner.

Growing opportunities

Megan Monoson, Magazine editor-in-Chief
March 18, 2018
Throughout high school many students relationships with their parents change as students amount of free time becomes more limited; however, Finnley Jessogne, sophomore, and her mother Allison Hoops have finally figure out how to hold onto the limited time they have been able to spend together since Jessogne started high school. Overall, not only just Jessogne felt a disconnect in her and her parents relationship before, but bettering the relationship   just takes finding the right timing of conversations.

Holding onto time

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
December 18, 2017
Seniors Patrick True (left) and Patrick Burns (right) shown here in a middle school cross country race, will be considered 12 sport athletes by the time they graduate after participating in three sports each of their four years throughout high school. Although the boys agree that being a part of the cross country, swim, and track teams is a time commitment, the two have no regrets and say it is all worth it.

Over 1200 days of practice later

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
November 13, 2017
Adults attending the adult English classes held at the high school stand and act out a common conversation with partners. By repeating words and using visuals, Sharon Brown, ESL teacher for the adult English classes and ESL teacher at Middle School North, says that she can begin bringing in higher level material to continue increasing the ESL learners throughout the new course.

Late night language learning

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
October 26, 2017
Senior James Beaudoin struggles to decide which path he wants to take regarding his future career. However, Beaudoin is not the only student feeling that high school and college are too limited of times to decide on a lifelong career.

Struggling to decide

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
October 19, 2017
What's in your backpack, wallet, or purse?

What’s in your backpack, wallet, or purse?

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
October 15, 2017
To some students, there is a large difference between the two main college entrance exams for the United States: the ACT and the SAT. Specifically, some students from the class of 2018 feel that implementing the SAT as the new statewide college entrance exam now changes their chances as they apply for college.

Without warning: Illinois switches from ACT to SAT

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
October 10, 2017
Transitioning to LZHS was new and exciting for Kelly Henkel, new social studies teacher, because he is now able to accomplish some of his professional goals in this new setting. One of these goals being to utilize the technology "at your fingertips" to create a better learning experience. One of these experiences includes using online resources to complete a maps project.

New AP Human Geography teacher with past history

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
October 3, 2017
Bo Vossel (right), new principal for Lake Zurich High School, discusses the new school year with Andrew Lambert (left), new athletic director, and Matthew Aiello (center), dean of students. With LZHS welcoming various new faces this year, it will take time for faculty members to get to know these new comers.

First year as principal, first year at LZ

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
August 31, 2017

Student directing: the work left unscene

Megan Monoson, Magazine Editor-in-Chief
August 26, 2017
LZHS will go grey in may again on Friday, May 26 in support of one student's mother who continues to struggle with brain cancer.

Going grey in May

Megan Monoson, Cover Editor
May 23, 2017
There are many types of radon testing, and this year District 95 used a self-contained electric device with greater accuracy than before.

District-wide radon testing

Megan Monoson, cover editor
April 13, 2017
The Age of Influence

The Age of Influence

Megan Monoson, Cover Editor
March 17, 2017

Best Bear Pair: Best Friends

Megan Monoson, cover editor
February 17, 2017
Bears on a Color Run

Bears on a Color Run

Megan Monoson, cover editor
September 13, 2016
Ragini Rangan, sophomore boxer

[Photo] Out of School Sports

Janie Huels, staff writer
March 21, 2016

Honors band feeling honored

Megan Monoson, staff writer
February 19, 2016
From the classroom to the city

From the classroom to the city

Megan Monoson, staff writer
December 11, 2015

Writer’s Day: the poets

Megan Monoson, staff writer
November 27, 2015
Laura Fonte returns to her Alma Mater at the high school to teach social studies.  Many graduates return to the high school to either teach, visit old teachers, or support their peers in school events.

Back for the Bears

Megan Monoson, staff writer
October 9, 2015
Another athletic trainer Mr. Gregory wraps Piyasak Pharawek's, senior, ankle because of a previous soccer injury he has sustained.  The pressure from the tape will hold the muscles together and support his ankle throughout the season, preventing a more major injury.

Recovery renews athletes

Megan Monoson, staff writer
September 18, 2015

Senior conquers cancer

megan monoson, bear facts contributor
May 26, 2015

Living through and defeating Leukemia

megan monoson, bear facts contributor
May 26, 2015
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