Missing: one last season
Seniors miss out on their final sports seasons

Photo by and used with the permission of Olivia Collins
With the cancellation of school, all spring sports are over as well. For the seniors, this was there last sports season of high school that they could have.
While many senior student-athletes knew that 2020 would be the last time they put on their jerseys and took to the field for one last bittersweet game, no one anticipated that their final sports seasons would be canceled. Seniors are missing out on all that comes with their final season such as senior night, leadership opportunities, and just the experience in general.
For seniors such as Olivia Collins, varsity softball player, 2020 was the last chance to fall into the previous seniors’ roles of leadership for their younger teammates.
“I’ve grown up with [softball], so I was excited for my bittersweet final season. Ever since I was little I looked forward to being a senior leader for the team, but now that won’t happen,” Collins said. “Also I was looking forward to senior night with girls like Elizabeth Chialdikas and Natalie Jokerst, [fellow senior softball players], who I’ve played with since first grade.”
For Collins, the experience of the last season was a big deal, and anything that came with it was too. Jason Morrison, senior tennis player, on the other hand is missing out on his chance to show his dedication.
“The worst part about missing my sport has been that I have been preparing all year and have dedicated so much emotion to my sport [for about eight years] and [to] my team,” said Morrison. “That it is devastating that I won’t get the opportunity to show it.”
Seniors like Collins and Morrison may be missing time to play with their teammates this spring, but they believe they are also missing out on the chance to make more memories while doing so.
“I’ll miss the team chemistry for sure,” Collins said. “I’m so close with all my teammates, and not getting to play games with them or be around them all the time is really upsetting. Getting to experience our team be successful and make so many memories will definitely be something I’ll miss.”
Past the emotions and memories with their team, the seniors are also missing out on just playing their sport and doing something they love, that they may not get to do as often once high school is over, according to Morrison.
“It has been hard to practice tennis in particular at home,” Morrison said. “So it will be difficult to come back to the sport and jump right back in, no matter the amount of practice I had before.”
Despite all of this, the seniors still got to experience all that comes with their high school sport for three years, and according to Collins, she still got something out of that.
“I miss my teammates and coaches. I would be spending every day with them at practices, games, team dinners, [back to back games], and now that’s gone,” Collins said. “I really miss that connection I had with my team. It really is a family.”

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