Varsity Freshmen: Fall 2019
Long hours, intense games, and total commitment are major parts of varsity sports. Making a varsity sport as a freshmen opens opportunities for freshmen to grow, and become better at their sport.
Varsity Cheerleading
Brooke Roben, freshman has been cheering for seven years. She believes that transitioning from Middle School Cheer, to High School Cheer has impacted her. “We’ve had the entire summer to build up to where our team is now, we practice every single day for like, multiple hours at a time,” Roben said. “But Middle School Cheer was it was very like chill, Varsity cheer is a lot stricter.” While practices are more intense and longer in High School, varsity sports open doors of opportunity for freshmen. “Being on varsity it’s just brought me to another level that like I wasn’t before so it’s helped me grow a lot as a person and as a cheerleader,” Roben said.

Brooke Roben, freshmen, varisty cheer.
Varsity Tennis
Tiffany Rogus, freshmen has been playing tennis since she was five years old. She has been motivated to keep coming back for more because of the excitement she gets from playing. “I just like seeing different people, meeting new people, and just playing,” Rogus said. As a freshman on varsity, Rogus believes her teammates help her on the team. “[My teammates] are always there for me if I need them, and they can also help me with my shots,” Rogus said. Being on varsity has allowed Rogus to receive help, and grow to become a better player. “I think [being on varsity] has helped me become stronger, tougher and more aggressive,” Rogus said. “And I’m always wanting to do better because some people on my team are just so good I always look up to them. So I just want to keep getting better and trying to be the best on the team.”

Tiffany Rogus, freshmen, varsity tennis.
Varsity Poms
Lindsey Neaurauter, freshman, enjoys being part of the dance team, and believes that poms has impacted her. “Being on poms is almost an honor. Because the people before us built such a great program, so it helps us not take it for granted and really take into consideration what we’re a part of,” Neaurauter said. Not only has poms greatly impacted Neaurauter, but has also helped her grow as a dancer. “Not only are we learning to dance with coaches and things like that, but all the girls on the team are so helpful too, they’ll help you with every everything even if you know something, so it’s really nice because you can grow really fast,” Neaurauter said.

For Zoya, this is her first year on staff and second year in the journalism program. As a sophomore, Zoya spends most her time at cross country and...