Yes, there is crying in softball
Photo by Photo by Sophia Babcock
Seniors and best friends, Haley Gajewski and Julia Zaucha, pose for a photo in their softball gear. The two girls have been teammates since middle school.
“When I think of softball, I think of Julia,” Haley Gajewski, senior, said, her kind words bringing a tear to her friend’s eye.
Gajewski and Julia Zaucha, senior, met each other through their parents but weren’t very close when they were younger because they went to different elementary schools. Gajewski, a catcher, and Zaucha, shortstop, both play on the varsity softball team. The seniors started playing softball in elementary school but were not on the same team until middle school.
Both believe that playing together has led them to develop a lot of trust in each other both on and off the field.
“[Being on the same team has been] completely awesome,” Zaucha said. “Haley is the voice of the team she’s so positive and [is] always there for you. Being so close with her, I know how much she’s gonna try so I have a lot of faith in her and I trust her to do her position and execute it completely well. Because of that I know if I do something wrong, she’ll cheer me up and get me back to where I need to be,” Zaucha said.
According to the girls, their friendship has impacted who they are as athletes, and their bond translates to the game itself.
“They are very comfortable playing with each other. They have great team chemistry, and so their communication and comradery is contagious throughout the team. They are both leaders,” Alex Block, assistant softball coach, said.
According to Block, Gajewski and Zaucha are both hardworking and serious about their athletics. Although, according to Gajewski and Zaucha, they sometimes get off task during practices. “We’re able to focus but-” said Zaucha before Gajewski interrupted, “We have fun.”
One of their favorite things to do after practice is have “sunset talks” in the parking lot.
“One time our coach was driving by, [about] an hour after practice and we thought everyone was gone,” Gajewski said before the, “[Coach] was like, ‘What are you guys still doing here?’ We [said], ‘We’re just talking’ and Julia [responded], ‘We’re watching the sunset. Isn’t it beautiful? You want to join us?’ And she’s like, ‘No, it’s okay. I’m going to go home now.’ So, yeah, we are definitely like the last ones to leave.”
As they walk to their cars to put away their practice equipment they talk about life and eventually end up sitting in their trunks.
“Sometimes when no one is in the parking lot, we’ll turn all the music up and dance by the car,” Gajewski said.
With the softball season and their senior year coming to an end, the soon to be graduating seniors are soaking up the last bit of sun and their final days of school before heading off to college.

Sophia Babcock is a senior and this is her third year on staff and fourth year in the journalism program. This year she is excited to take on the role...