Passionate for competition: senior athletes share ultra-competitive spirit
Though these seniors have been playing their sports for different lengths of time, one a beginner and another a 13 year athlete, both share a love for competing in games and at practices.
In his first year playing high school lacrosse, Rajen Modi, senior junior varsity lacrosse player, says that he uses his competitive nature to focus on self-improvement.
“I think, when it comes to lacrosse, since I’m new at it. I’m competing more against myself because I haven’t developed the skills to make a huge difference in each game,” Modi said. “Therefore, generally, I try each game to be better than I was in the last and my teammates understand that and give me opportunities to prove myself.”
A break after a tough day of school is what Peter Dicerbo, senior varsity basketball player, strives for when he plays basketball competitively.
“I find that playing sports competitively has been a great release from the stresses of school,” Dicerbo said. “Practices and competitions can be a time to go take my mind off everything and focus on the competition of my teammates or opponents playing the game.”
Unlike Dicerbo, Modi is a relatively new lacrosse player and says his skills may not be as extensive as other players on the team, but his willingness to compete means he is ready to assist in any way he can.
“I’ve always been competitive,” Modi said. “It’s in my nature. I’m never the most skilled player on the team, but I will do whatever needed in order to help my team win, whether that’s cheering my team on from the bench or getting in the game.”
In order for a team to have success, the athletes need to gel well with one another. The social aspect of basketball is a positive to playing sports competitively, Dicerbo says, as it leads to stronger bonds with his teammates.
“Since I enjoy some good competition, playing sports and competing is a lot of fun for me,” Dicerbo said. “Competitive sports are also an area where I have made a great deal of my friends and a good way that I can stay in touch with many people because I see them every day.”
The benefits of playing a sport competitively greatly outweigh the negatives, Modi says, but you should not expect improvement if you do not put in your full effort.
“I would absolutely recommend it, but you have to really commit to it,” Modi said. “You can’t expect every day or moment of the sport to be fun. I would also recommend finding someone or something to compete against on a daily basis because it can make participating in that sport so much more fun.”
Although sports require time management and other sacrifices, according to Dicerbo, he agrees that people should consider playing sports competitively, especially given the positive effects it has on the body and mind.
“The benefits of making friends, being able to release energy, and staying healthy and in shape far outweigh the days when you have scheduling conflicts,” Dicerbo said. “Teammates can also help alleviate the fatigue of a long season by supporting one another. No question, I would absolutely recommend playing a sport competitively.”

As a sophomore, this is Adam's first year on staff for the Bear Facts Student Media Program. In addition to Bear Facts, Adam is also involved in the...