Running for coffee
Jazzman’s is causing schedule trouble for some students
Whether to buy that chocolate long john or to rush off to class is a decision that has haunted students ever since Jazzman’s opened.
Though not every student has to get that sweet treat during their passing period, the lure of Jazzman’s tends to cause quite a few tardies, student sources say. Rory O’Sullivan, sophomore, says that she tries to refrain from going to Jazzman’s between classes, but sometimes she’s just too hungry to pass up the opportunity to buy something.
“I always stop by Jazzman’s to fuel the brain, and to satisfy my hunger. School requires a lot of energy, so I have to get food [from Jazzman’s] during passing periods. I might get bagels, those are probably my favorite, and then you can’t forget about the brownie cookies,” O’Sullivan said. “Look, I always try to find a good time to go so I won’t be late, so I’ll usually go in the mornings or during lunch. But sometimes I’ll go [during passing periods], and sometimes it’s really hard to be on time because people will order these really intricate drinks that take forever.”
These coffee drinks, like lattes, frappuccinos, and mochas, can make a huge contribution to the size of the line, according to Jayne Hannon, Jazzman’s employee. Hannon says that students getting to class on time depends on how quickly the line moves.
“The line is pretty long to begin with, I would say within five minutes [there are] 25-30 kids. It all depends on how many kids are ordering coffee drinks. I can only make one coffee drink at a time. If they are getting bagels and muffins or something from the open air cooler it’s faster,” Hannon said. “But when they are wanting a hot chocolate or something that’s going to take a bit more time.
Despite the temptation Jazzman’s products can have on people, Hannon says that people should not blame Jazzman’s itself for students being late to class. According to Hannon, if the student wants to go to Jazzman’s, they need to think about the time it will take.
“It’s up to the student how they balance their time, if they come by me and they’re going to be late for class, that’s on them,” Hannon said. “They should look at their schedule and see what time [is best] to come to Jazzman’s for a coffee or something to eat, but it really is on the student.”
This responsibility is lacking in some students, according to Joe May, English teacher who has witnessed students being late to class. When a student comes in late with a Jazzman’s product, it can be an issue, May says.
“I know that I have had a couple of students who have come in with cups in their hands, using that as a very poor excuse for a reason for being late. For me personally, I like to start immediately, [and] having a student coming in after the bell acts as a distraction,” May said. “It just gives less time for that individual student to be prepared for what we are talking about, and to be engaged in it. If it is more important to them to stand in line for a cup of coffee than it is to get to class it can be very frustrating.”
Despite issues with punctuality, students say that tardies from Jazzman’s are not always the student’s fault. O’Sullivan says that it is easy to get caught in a line at Jazzman’s and that teachers should cut students some slack.
“It is the student’s responsibility to get to class on time, and we do have long passing periods to get there. Sometimes [Jazzman’s] is a valid reason for being late to class,” O’Sullivan said. “If the student did not have the opportunity to get food that morning, or to eat lunch, then I think they should be able to get something. Sometimes you are so hungry and you are going to fall asleep in class if you haven’t eaten, but there’s a super long line at Jazzman’s. What are you gonna do, you’re hungry, you’re tired, and god dangit you just want to get something.”

As a senior, this is Max’s third year on staff and first year as magazine editor in chief for the Bear Facts program. He aspires to study environmental...