Survey says: check your expectations
Perspective has the power to change a lot of things. In high school, the way teachers act and dress could affect students’ perspectives and opinions, according to Leah Cunningham, freshman.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to be able to do the same tasks that they ask of you?
A: I do expect teachers to be able to complete the same tasks they ask of us, because if students have questions and the teacher doesn’t know how to do it, then what? […] Students go to teachers for help and with questions all throughout the day, so teachers need to have an understanding of what we’re being taught so questions can always be answered. It’s not possible otherwise.
Q: Do you expect to teachers to have school spirit?
A: Teachers need school spirit. If they attend sporting events too, that’s great. I feel like when teachers show their school spirit, then it rubs off on others around the building
Q: Do you expect your teachers to always be in positive moods?
A: I like when teachers are in positive moods, now I know there are going to be someday’s when they’re having a bad day so their mood might be a little off, but positive moods put a more positive vibe in the class.
James Piggott, sophomore football player, agrees with some of the things Cunningham has a perspective on.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to be able to do the same tasks that you ask of them?
A: Yes. I expect teachers to be able to complete the same tasks they ask of us, because if students have to do it teachers should too. It’s not fair otherwise, because if a student were to get confused then the teacher wouldn’t be able to do their job and help out.
Q: Do you expect to teachers to have school spirit?
A: Yes. Teachers should have school spirit and attend sporting events, because they should be supporting their students. Teacher support is important to students, so seeing them at events is really cool.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to always be in positive moods?
A: Teachers don’t always have to be in positive moods, because other students may make them mad by not listening during other classes. But they shouldn’t take other classes out on another.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to dress a certain way?
A: I don’t care how a teacher dresses during school as long as it isn’t distracting. Business casual is how teachers should be able to dress if they wanted to.
Zack Davis, another sophomore football player and friend of Piggott, also put his two cents in when talking about these expectations.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to be able to do the same tasks that they ask of you?
A: Yes. They should be role models because students are a reflection of them. So if teachers have bad attitudes or whatever, then it will rub off on students.
Q: Do you expect to teachers to have school spirit?
A: Yes. Teachers should have school spirit, because teachers tend to set an example for students because they are role models. So if they dress up, more students might too.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to always be in positive moods?
A: No. Teachers don’t really have to be in positive moods always, because they should be able to express their feelings however they want to. But, they still need to have a sense of humor to make class fun and so students can relate to them.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to dress a certain way?
A: Teachers don’t have to dress a certain way, they can wear whatever they want. It should just follow the dress code students follow.
Gabby Vitale, junior softball player and bowler, speaks on her expectations for teachers at LZHS and believes that they are also role models for students.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to be able to do the same tasks that they ask of you?
A: Yes. They’re here for us to learn and should be leading us in their classes by example. Students need teachers help and guidance in order to complete assignments correctly and without problems.
Q: Do you expect to teachers to have school spirit?
A: Yes! Everyone should be involved with the sports, dress-up days, and clubs. For me, it’s a lot of fun to walk into a class where everyone is dressed to match the theme. Also, if you choose to be involved, like going to sports games, you’re expected to cheer on your school. That’s the main part of having school spirit. It brings the school closer when staff and students can share that.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to always be in positive moods?
A: Never! Most of the time, a teacher would be having a really hard time with the class before and take it out on yours. There’s also the times when your teachers are having a rough home life, and 99% of the time, you won’t know about it until your class starts.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to dress a certain way?
A: I think teachers should be able to dress how they want. I notice a lot of the times that the PE teachers typically wear athletic wear, while the teachers who teach core classes are a bit towards dressed up. Overall, I think teachers should dress business casual and wear Bear Wear on Friday’s because that’s not too over the top or too casual for their profession.
Duncan McMillan, senior and technical theater technician, continues to add on to the different student opinions and perspectives among the school.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to be able to do the same tasks that they ask of you?
A: Teachers should be positive role models for their students because they’re teaching them in ways more than just their subject. People look up to them so they have to give them something to look up to. If students have questions, teachers should be able to answer them confidently.
Q: Do you expect to teachers to have school spirit?
A: I don’t think it’s a requirement but it’s nice when teachers support the community and get excited for athletics by dressing up. It might also rub-off on students and get them to dress up too.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to always be in positive moods?
A: I can understand that teachers are people and they can have their bad days, but as professionals it’s their job to put their personal life aside and make sure it doesn’t detract from their teaching, just like a student can’t take out a bad day on a teacher.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to dress a certain way?
A: Not really. They can dress anyway they want if it doesn’t distract from the teaching. Business casual should be the most appropriate.
Perspectives at school do not just come from the students though, faculty also has expectation for students. Julie Bryniczka, Math department chair, states her expectations for students.
Q: Do you expect your teachers to be able to do the same tasks that you ask of them?
A: I think what’s very important is that student should advocate for themselves. So if they can’t accomplish the task, they need to be comfortable communicating with me their point of confusion so we can figure out where they go stuck. Even if you can’t do a problem on your homework, email me your work. I can annotate it right on Notability on my iPad and then send it right back to you. So starting that conversation is really important, because I will help them 100% but I need to know that they need help.
Q: Do you expect to students to have school spirit?
A: Absolutely! I think its fun when teachers and students even dress up according to the themes each week, that’s something I encourage and as a teacher try to do the best I can. I think its important for kids to see that we care about what they’re doing too, and that we are apart of this community just like they are.
Q: Do you expect your fellow teachers to always be in positive moods?
A: I think what’s really important to me is that teachers are approachable. As a teacher, I work really hard to be approachable and to let students know that I care so I can help them. I also find that it is okay to joke with them and have fun in class, and to let them know that we are people too. We’re not robots. We have our lives outside of school and outside of our profession, but at the end of the day what matters in every classroom is that the kids have to know that we care about them, but they also have to care about me and the subject I’m teaching.
Q: Do you expect your students to dress a certain way?
A: Students need to follow the school dress code, that’s what I expect them to wear and follow. Period.

As a sophomore, this is Meghan's second year as a staff writer on Bear Facts Student Media. She aspires to go to college at UNC Chapel Hill, in hopes...