Connected Christians, a club focused on bringing together Christians at LZ to discuss faith and support the community, has become an official club.
The club has recently reached the required amount of 15 members to qualify as an official club, where before it was a smaller group of friends and a sponsor.
“I think we care more about the mission of the club more than the actual fact that we are an official club,” Gracie Thompson, senior, said. “We had members, we had a sponsor, we had a mission. We didn’t really care if our school recognized us or not. We cared more about doing it together.”
Despite this sentiment, Thompson, along with Elise Tyson, senior and co-president, has taken more initiative to promote the club. One such way is attending community events such as the 8th Grade Activity Night.
“I handed out flyers [and] discussed what our club does and hopefully [recruited] more people,” Thompson said.
The club has also attended a food drive, and plans to continue promoting the club through other events this year.
“Say, like, the football team is fundraising by selling pizzas or something—we can come alongside them and fund-raise [for] them too,” Thompson said. “I’m also hoping to get T-shirts for us, so that we can wear T-shirts and just represent our club at these charity events and get our name out and show that ‘hey, we’re from this club and we want to share God’s love with all of you too.”
While Thompson, as a senior, won’t be a member of the club next year, she and her fellow club members are still working to have the Connected Christians be a more active member in the community.
“I know next year will be a little bit more of adjustment, because the seniors will be leaving, but this year we’re planning to just getting more out into our school, because I know that people haven’t really know[n] that we were in club before. I really am working to get our knee out more this year.”
Thompson will also be handing the reins over to Lucas Wilson, junior, whom she believes will continue to lead the club in the right direction. “I believe he has the like motive to keep our club going, and I know I can see like discipleship in him to keep our club going, and I don’t think it’ll be too much of a difference, only because I really believe in him and know that he’s a hard worker.”
Christians connect at new club
Ayaan Hamid, News Editor
December 13, 2024
About the Contributor

Ayaan Hamid, News Editor
This is Ayaan’s final year at LZHS, and his third and final year at Bear Facts; not only as a senior, but also as News Editor of Bear Facts Student Media. Ayaan is currently trying to survive his annoying younger brothers Hamza and Ahmed, a 4-volume biography of Lyndon Johnson, and AP Statistics. If he does, Ayaan plans on pursuing a career in journalism.