In a world where so many languages are spoken, it is important that they are celebrated and taught beyond their home countries’ borders. At LZHS, several world language teachers have put together an exciting week of activities to teach students about the languages which encompass the earth. Although the official National World Language Week began March 4, LZHS is celebrating it two weeks later, the week prior to spring break, as a fun way to lead up to break.
“We will have dress up days, trivia games in all [World Language] classes, and introductions from students in many different languages during morning announcements,” Antje Perrin, Spanish teacher, said. “The Learning HUB will have some fun activities for students. German, French and Spanish clubs are also planning fun events during that week.”
Teachers will be promoting languages outside of their classrooms during the week. According to Lisa Loeb, French teacher, all teachers, not just world language teachers, will “have the opportunity to put a small poster outside of their classroom showing what other languages they know and where they’ve traveled.”
Not only is World Language Week a fun way for students to be introduced to new languages, but it brings awareness to all of the different languages spoken at LZHS.
“We celebrate [World Language] Week to give students and faculty a chance to share cross-cultural connections while encouraging mutual respect and civility among the many different world cultures represented by our student body,” Carlye Hamilton, Spanish teacher, said. “We are LZ, and LZ is diverse. We all belong here, and we all have something unique to share with the world.”