Listening for the future: guest speakers to keep your ears open for

Photo by and used with the permission of Jenna Moller

Chris Bos, State Representative, tells students about his career. Bos was a guest speaker last semester.

The Learning and Innovation Hub will host four guest speakers throughout this semester. 

This semester, the speakers include a cybersecurity expert, financial planner, IT expert, and game designer. 

 “The guest speakers, not only talk about their field, but they talk about what their interests were in high school, and how they handle failure and adversity. They talk about what major skills help them contribute to success in their profession,” Jenna Moller, learning and innovation hub coordinator, said.  

Students who would like to see a guest speaker can leave an academic class with a permission slip (found in the hub) signed by their teacher.  Casper Rakickas, sophomore, who watched one of the guest speakers, thinks that there is a lot of value in hearing from the guest speakers because they give valuable insight into careers. 

“Whenever you try to find information about a job it’s normally online and could probably be written by someone who doesn’t even do that job necessarily,” Rakickas said. “So, it’s nice for the information to come from someone who does [that job],instead of someone whose job is to write about it.”

The guest speakers are aligned with the Illinois State Board of Education Career Pathways.These pathways group careers into certain categories in efforts to assist students in job research.  To request a certain kind of guest speaker, students can fill out a survey with their interests or talk to Moller.

For more information about when the speakers are coming, students should check the Hub’s canvas announcements.