From Illinois to Africa, books go to help students in another continent
Photo by and used with permission of McKenna Serowka
Textbooks are being put into a truck to be send to Bookfriends. These books will be shipped out to Africa to help students and libraries in need.
Over three-hundred books were donated to Bookfriends today, which then went to Africa to help students have more resources to learn.
Some of the books that were donated were old Biology, Chemistry, and Geometry books. Supplemental books were also given to Bookfriends. These donations were coordinated by McKenna Serowka, science and engineering division head, and Julie Bryniczka, math division head.
“We went through our various books and had a large collection of books that [the school] did not need, as we either got new ones, or we do not offer that class anymore,” Serowka said. “We looked for people who would take book donations, and we ended up partnering with Bookfriends.”
Bookfriends is a not-for-profit organization that helps bring texts to schools and libraries that are in need of them. Bookfriends has helped over 300,000 students in 200 different schools, according to
Due to Bookfriends being a non-profit organization, they require individual people and schools to donate materials so they can repurpose them to help others.
“I’m super excited that we can find a new home for these books,” Serowka said. “These books will go to a worthy cause. If Bookfriends did not take these books, they would end up in the recycling bin instead of helping less fortunate children.”
Serowka is grateful that not only will Bookfriends use these books for good, but that the importance of knowledge and information can be given to other students.
“I hope that we can spread the wealth and power of knowledge,” Serowka said. “Knowledge is power, and what better gift could we give then the information across the ocean, especially to schools and students that are less fortunate than us?”

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