New flooring installed in hallway outside field house

A faculty member uses the new flooring to get to the field house. Many school attendees say they are excited about using these new floors.
New flooring was installed in front of the field house from July 23 to August third, the project was completed by Libertyville Tile, according to administrators.
During the past school year, the floors were falling apart and were in need of repair, school officials say. School goers had a lot of confidence in the project, and think the repair made a big difference, according to administrators.
“I think the [people who] completed the project are good at what they do, they’re a trustworthy company that has done a lot of work in the area,” Ryan Rubenstein, assistant principal, said. “The impact isn’t something I can measure. I can only say that aesthetically [the flooring] looks more appealing and it doesn’t have a bunch of cracks. These projects are so important because our building is so old. In older buildings, much like a house, it is important to do updates.
Furthermore, the staff who work near the area being repaired say that the project is a good idea. Karen Arnold, assistant to the athletic director, says that the repair makes a big difference.
“I think they chose those certain floors for a reason, it makes the hallway look a lot wider. The new floors are less slippery, I don’t have a big opinion on it but they definitely are a good thing,” Arnold said.
However, some students say they are not as excited about the project and feel the repair was not needed. Even student athletes, who use the hallway in front of the field house a lot, did not notice the issues.
“I don’t really think it needed to be done by any means [. . .] sure it was a more worn piece of flooring, it could have been better, but its not by any means in need of repair,” Holly Ryan, sophomore, said, “The floor is just fine, thank you very much.”
Ryan went on to say how there are other places more in need of repair. In fact, Ryan said that the repair budget was high enough, and that the school should fund other initiatives.
“Our school could be putting their money into things that are much more needed, in terms of helping fund other clubs, helping kids afford to play a sport. I don’t think the school has a problem allocating funds, but sometimes I question their decisions,” Ryan said. “For example, why aren’t they using this money for installing air conditioning in some of the elementary schools?”
Most attendees of the school agree that repairs and renovations to the school are good things, according to school goers. Ryan, even though against this particular repair, says that renovations add to the overall cosmetic appeal of the school.
“Of course [repairs] make the school look cleaner, be cleaner, and look more up to date and modern,” Ryan said. “If we can afford new flooring, if we can keep modifying ourselves to be better and stronger, ultimately I think [these projects are] worth it. The environment that students are in is important for their morale and success.”

As a senior, this is Max’s third year on staff and first year as magazine editor in chief for the Bear Facts program. He aspires to study environmental...