Fairies and free books: school to celebrate Hide A Book Day September 18

The book fairies can be anyone who wishes to hide a book anywhere around the world to be found by a fellow reader. Feel free to leave a book around LZHS on September 18!
Fairies may not be real, but book fairies really will be leaving free books around the school on Monday.
Monday marks Hide a Book Day, a day celebrating Goodreads’ tenth birthday when people across the country will be hiding books for others to find. Amy Pine, librarian, is organizing the school’s participation.
The goal of this day is “for people to come home with a new book in their hands,” Pine said. Ultimately, it’s about encouraging reading.
Goodreads, a social media-like website for readers, will be sponsoring this event in association with The Book Fairies, a global organization dedicated to giving “books another lease of life passing them on to the next person, and encouraging this behaviour going forward,” according to their website.
To participate, students should stop by the library and grab a bookmark. When someone hides a book with the Goodreads sticker or Hide a Book bookmark, the person will be encouraged to post a photo on social media with the hashtags #goodreadsturns10 #hideabookday #believeinbookfairies and #lznation, Pine said. Likewise, if you find a book, use the hashtags to show off your new book.