Finding your Inner Zen: Yoga and Meditation club to begin next year

Photo by Photo used with permission of: Sydney Mark
One of the many yoga poses Sydney Mark does during her yoga sessions.
Stress relief, blood circulation, and relaxation, a few of the many benefits the new Yoga and Meditation club has to offer its members.
“I was thinking about ideas that incorporate health and fitness in order to better your lifestyle,” Kendall Kearnan, sophomore club founder, said. “It’s such a stress reliever for tests or quizzes before your day starts, we think it’s good for the school to have a club like this.”
According to Kearnan, her and Jessi Kroczak, sophomore club founder, believe the club will be a genuine way to gives students an after school activity focused on their personal well-being while having fun at the same time.
“We were thinking about each session being half yoga and half meditation. For yoga, each session we are planning on focusing on a specific yoga flow which is basically different exercises that help certain things like, circulation or stress relief,” Kearnan said.
Kearnan said that the way the meditation will happen at a meeting is either through guided meditation or open meditation.
“The way we plan on doing the meditation portion of a meeting is through guided meditation sessions with voice recorders and open meditation which is sort of just doing it your own way. We’re also going to be experimenting with other types of meditation because there are so many,” Kearnan said.
There are already approximately 20 students in the club, which is set to begin at the start of the next school year, Sydney Mark, sophomore club member, said.
“There were around 15-20 people at the informational meeting last week. At the meeting we talked about how club sessions are going to go, when the sessions will take place, and a quick overview of yoga itself,” Mark said.
According to Mark and Kearnan, meetings plan on taking place during late start every Monday in the dance room (located in the Main Gym). Both students hope these Monday morning meetings can be a place where all students are welcomed and a place where students can relax their bodies and minds before the school day starts.

As a sophomore, this is Meghan's second year as a staff writer on Bear Facts Student Media. She aspires to go to college at UNC Chapel Hill, in hopes...