Prom assembly teaches life lessons
AP tests are done, seniors are preparing to graduate, and Prom is this weekend. In honor of Prom, an assembly that reminds students to be careful is held every year.
In the past, the pre-prom assembly switched between a drunk driving car crash simulation and a guest speaker to remind students to make smart decisions. This year, the school partnered with AT&T and their “it can wait” campaign to remind students about the dangers of distracted driving.
“I learned the consequences of texting and driving and in the future know that I shouldn’t,” Hannah Wach, senior, said. “Driving and texting may seem important at the time, but your life means more.”
Along with the director of external affairs at AT&T, guest speakers included Michael G Nerheim and Howard Cooper, Lake County State’s Attorney and Coronor, respectively, and Adam Young, police officer for LZPD and LZHS grad. Along with reminding students to be safe, Young showed real police reports that involved distracted driving. Cooper even told students that he hoped they would never end up in his office.
“People always say that my office is the last place you’ll ever see,” Cooper said. “But you’re dead so you really don’t see anything at all.”
All three speakers emphasized students’ responsibility while on the road. Cooper stressed the need to “make smart choices.” Despite the assembly being held to remind students to be careful during prom, the lessons taught go beyond being careful this weekend.
“I definitely will remember the assembly and the impacts from texting and driving. Looking down at your phone for even a second puts not only your life at risk but those around you,” Wach said. “Texting and driving can wait and this assembly has shown me what happens when people don’t wait, and I’d rather not be one of those people being used as an example in the future.”

This is Danna's (pronounced Donna, not Dana) third year on staff and fourth year involved in the journalism program. She's on the Varsity Tennis team...