Music to the ears
Photo by Chloe Faris
Band members perform at their concert on March 9 to show their improvement and hard work.
Music from clarinets, drums, and french horns spilled out of the PAC Thursday night for the band concert.
“[The concert is] to show how hard we have worked because we have band everyday and it shows how much extra work outside of the class we put into practicing the songs,” Tara Wilkes, senior clarinet player from wind ensemble, said. “It also shows how we have improved since the first concert. All of the bands, especially with the freshmen, you can see how their tone has developed and improved.”
The bands have been practicing their pieces since their last concert, right after winter break, according to Em Davison, sophomore french horn player from symphonic band, said.
“We start by getting a bunch of different pieces and we narrow it down to a few and focus on those to prepare it for the concert,” Davison said. “We get a variety of different experiences before we even decide what pieces to play.”
Concert, symphonic, and wind ensemble each performed three or four songs for the audience. There were chances for audience participation as well, to sing and whistle with the musicians as they played.
“My favorite [piece] was Imbizo because it was really unique and wasn’t something we have been able to play before,” Davison said.
Band members have experience in playing a unique variety of songs at concerts, but nerves sometimes still gets to them, Davison said.
“I think everyone gets a little nervous but more excited than anything just to show off everything we have been doing,” Davison said. “There’s definitely a lot of relief after it is over too, because we have been working so hard and now we get to move on.”

Along with being Editor-in-Chief of the Bear Facts magazine, Chloe is involved with Yearbook, Student Leadership, Student Council, SNAP, and Interact....