Sounds of the holiday
Annual holiday choir concert spread the holiday cheer
Students practice for the upcoming choir concert, rehearsing songs like “Someday at Christmas” as Mr. Juknelis, choir teacher, instructs them on how to improve. Although the purpose of the choir is spreading the holiday spirit, for senior choir members it will be their last holiday concert, making the event bittersweet.
Choir students are dreaming of a successful concert as the holiday season rounds the corner. With the choir singing classic holiday songs like, “Someday at Christmas,” and “Joy to the World,” the concert centers around each choir singing a song from the 1954 movie White Christmas.
“The purpose of the concert is to show the community what the holiday season is all about. We are all celebrating the joy of the holiday season [together and] it is a great way to get in the holiday spirit,” Tyler Pardun, senior Concert choir member, said.
Pardun joined choir in the fourth grade, after always having an interest in music since he was young.
“I played piano for a long time [and] music was an interest of mine, so I thought I might as well would try choir,” Pardun said. “[I love choir because of] the fact that you develop close relationships with so many people. They all have the same interest as you with music and the joy of singing, so we all get along really well.”
Another member who favors the relationships she had made is Lara Kolb, senior Women’s Chorale choir member.
“Honestly [my love for choir] is because of the people,” Kolb said. “I love Women’s Chorale this year, it is just a great group of girls and it is going to be a really good concert. I am so happy I did get involved in choir and I met so many amazing people. 96% of the friends I have now are people I met through choir. This year everyone is just so awesome and hard working.”
Choir students have been dedicated to preparing for the holiday concert, learning songs as early as October. Each choir, such as Women’s Chorale, perform three or four songs individually while some songs are performed with all the choirs together.
The concert is Wednesday, December 14 at 7 pm and will last around two hours. But for senior choir members, these two hours will be sacred, as this holiday concert will be their last.
“[The concert is going to be] super bittersweet, I’m definitely going to miss it,” Kolb said. “I’m excited because it is my last holiday concert and I love the songs we are doing, but I’m also hesitant and I don’t want it to happen because once it is over, it’s over.”
Although it may be the last holiday concert for seniors, there will be more time in the year for choir members to build relationships and make memories together.
“I love singing, so singing with my friends – I just love it. I totally recommend people join choir even if they think they can’t sing, just join,” Kolb said. “It is just the best part of my day.”

Along with being Editor-in-Chief of the Bear Facts magazine, Chloe is involved with Yearbook, Student Leadership, Student Council, SNAP, and Interact....