LZHS Drama gives love a darker twist with production of LOVE/SICK
Photo by Madi Klein
LZHS Drama Club will bring light to the less glorious sides of relationships in the PAC at 7pm on November 10-12. LOVE/SICK, a spin-off of John Cariani’s Almost Maine, is a play for those who either love love, or are just plain sick of it.
“It has all of these different couples, and each scene is a little snippet or snapshot of their relationship and the central struggle that they go through and the challenges they have to overcome,” Jack Derleth, senior who plays Bill, said. “I think it’s really realistic in that the scenes are a lot of stuff that could potentially happen to anyone.”
The play, which Derleth admits may be a little darker than Cariani’s Almost Maine, consists of 9 scenes featuring the unique problems that couples from all different walks of life face.
“You’d normally think that because it has something to do with relationships that it would all be funny, but it talks about divorce, death, getting bored, and cheating on each other. ” Adrian Campos, senior who plays Jake, said. “It’s teenagers portraying adult issues which is interesting to watch because these are real life scenarios. Plays can be about things that essentially could never happen, but [LOVE/SICK] is all about stuff that inevitably could happen to any relationship.
These nine couples’ relationships with the audience are short lived, as their stage time is limited to only one scene. While the underlying theme of the play might seem to be disappointment, heartbreak, or simply that all relationships are destined to fail, cast and crew warn those watching to save their conclusions for the very end of the show.
“Everything actually kind of connects at the end of the entire play. You kind of just have to listen to what the actors are saying because if you pick up on it, you will be like ‘oh, that was a connection to this other scene’ or something like that,” Melanie Villarmarzo, stage manager, said. “You don’t see the connection between any of them until the last scene and you don’t really know exactly how all of those relationships will turn out.”
Everyone can get a taste of sick and twisted love themselves by buying tickets for $9.50 for adults and $7.50 for students and seniors on the Performing Arts Center’s webpage or at the door.

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