Operation Teen Book Drop promotes teen literacy at LZ
On October 14, students will be dropping books in public spaces throughout the school and letting strangers take it home to promote teenage literacy.
The project has been taking place since 2009 around the country, but has started at Lake Zurich High School recently thanks to Amy Pine, library media specialist.
“I found out about it through Twitter, because I saw the “Rock the Drop” hashtag a couple years ago and wanted to see what it was, and since then I’ve been following it and making sure I let people know about it before it happens,” Pine said.
In order to participate, students need to either print out the “rock the drop” bookmark from the readergirlz’s website, or pick one up in the library from Pine.
“Really all you need to do is put one of the rock the drop bookmarks into the book with the free bookmark sticking out so people know ‘hey, I can take this book’ and leave it somewhere public where hopefully someone else will find it and take it.”
Promoting teenage literacy is the main goal of readergirlz, a nonprofit, volunteer based organization.
“I think that there are some students who think that they don’t have time to read. Unfortunately, I’ve had many students who come in here with their class and come check out a book and they say it’s their first time checking out a book, and that they don’t understand how to use the library,” Pine said. “Why students aren’t reading can be a financial reason too. It’s an opportunity to put something out there for someone who might not get a book otherwise.”

As a senior, Meggie is the Web Editor-in-Chief of Bear Facts Student Media. Previously, she was the Social Media Manager in charge of the staff Twitter...