Bears on a run: kicking off homecoming week with some color
The district Color Run took place on Sunday for students, parents and teachers of all ages.
A mass of students and parents were split up into multiple color groups, which they were assigned at sign in. After they met in their groups, each member rolled in colors and headed over to the stretching area to prepare for the run.
The instructors had the runners do jumping jacks and different leg exercises as a warm up. After they warmed up, the runners lined up at the starting line and took off after the sideline volunteers set off their confetti cannon.
Runners ran through clouds of pink, orange, blue, and green powder that colored them head to toe, some even getting in their mouths.
Students and parents ran, or walked, about a mile course from the PAC through the lower parking lot up the hill to May Whitney and back down to the PAC while being cheered on by the sideline crowd.
Julia is Bear Facts Student Media's Business Manager and will be leaving LZHS in January to start college. Her favorite activities include taking naps...