German exchange student needs a family
German club is looking for a sponsor family to take in an exchange student from Germany.
“There are some major requirements that a host family is suppose to do; they are to provide room and board, a place to sleep, three good meals a day, incorporate the student into their family, they are also required to provide transportation for the student to and from school and also for school activities,” Andrew Ziarnik, German teacher and German club sponsor, said.
According to Ziarnik, it might be challenging for the student to study here because they will most likely have to repeat the year of school that they missed back home. Some of the exchange students have taken their school work along with them as well as doing their school work in the States.
“These exchange students can improve their English skills and I believe they also come over for the cultural experience, but there are also other benefits such as building friendships and international contacts,” Ziarnik said. “We have had family who had very deep ties with their student in the past, and Lake Zurich families have gone over to visit and they exchange gifts and share holidays and they Skype, and they become good friends.”
The German club members have benefitted in the past because they have a new friend who is a native speaker the same age as the students, according to Ziarnik.
“These students have also been involved in sports and the arts,” Ziarnik said. “A couple years ago we had a student who was excellent accordion player and she ended up winning second place in the talent show. They bring over all sorts of talents and ideas that can really help our school.”
According to Ziarnik, there are no set date for choosing the host family, but the earlier the better. The German club has a host family who is applying, though more families may apply, and Ziarnik believes that this family will work out for the student.

Julia is Bear Facts Student Media's Business Manager and will be leaving LZHS in January to start college. Her favorite activities include taking naps...