Operation Click campaigns for more than just seatbelt clicks
Photo by photo used with permission of @lzhs_opclick
The Operation Click club together for the regional banquet. The club’s focus this year was on passengers distracting driving.
With only seven weeks left in the school year, Operation Click is as busy as ever while advocating for safe driving at Prom and through the summer, according to Tom Reagan, Operation Click sponsor.
The club created an informational video on the dangers drivers can face behind the wheel. The video addresses the danger of passenger distraction, a common hindrance to drivers during Prom season and year round, according to Reagan.
“A stressor this year [in Operation Click] was driver distraction by passengers; with teenagers it’s outweighing the dangers of cellphone use [behind the wheel]. We still believe that texting and cell phone use is dangerous, but passenger distractions have been found to be more dangerous,” Reagan said.
Along with the danger of passenger distraction, drinking while driving is a continuing fear, especially on Prom night, said Sonja Brueggemann, sophomore Operation Click member.
“People are going to be drinking for Prom and they’re going to be with their friends in their cars and they’re not always going to be as responsible,” Brueggemann said. “We need to make sure that they don’t drink and drive at Prom, to save their lives and the lives around them.”

As a senior, Meggie is the Web Editor-in-Chief of Bear Facts Student Media. Previously, she was the Social Media Manager in charge of the staff Twitter...