Highest band to perform for collegiate judges at Hersey Invitational

Photo by Megan Monoson
Caleb Harada and Nick Thurston, seniors practice the song “Nimbus Capulus” for the Hersey Invitational on Saturday, April 16. The Wind Ensemble will be performing and listening to other bands as well as getting feedback from collegiate judges.
Wind Ensemble will be taking their annual trip to participate in the Hersey Invitational next Saturday, April 16 to perform, hear other bands, and receive feedback from judges.
The Wind Ensemble, consisted of 50 of the band’s most talented members. The band has been practicing after their most recent invitational that they hosted earlier this March.
“Every performance for the Wind Ensemble is a chance to grow. There’s a lot of young students in the band, lots of sophomores and juniors,” Josh Thompson, Wind Ensemble director said. “They need to be exposed to a lot of the higher level groups, that we will listen to on Saturday.”
However, performing is not the only thing that will be happening on Saturday. After Wind Ensemble’s performance, they will work through their pieces with a collegiate judge.
“I’m looking forward to having the chance to play for some very highly respected college band directors and get their feedback. The 45 minute clinic is also very valuable, I think [the band members] learn a ton from that,” Thompson said. “[I want the students] to realize that we’re not the only group ‘getting at it.’ It is highly respected to play at a high level. There are students out there that will appreciate what we’re doing and come listen to us.”
The Wind Ensemble will also perform that week with other bands at an All-District Band Festival that is hosted by the high school. All bands, elementary school through all three high school bands will be playing at a mass concert and will feature ‘1812 Overture’ and ‘Ode to Joy.’

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As a senior in her third year on staff, Megan (spelled the right way) will be taking on the role as Magazine Editor-in-Chief of Bear Facts Student Media....