Bear Booster Store hosts T-shirt contest
Student art will be on the front of the newest shirt for the Bear Booster store, designed by students in the store’s upcoming contest. The contest will run until March 31, and the store will announce a winner on April 15. Then the winner will be the newest addition to the store.
“What we really want to do is get kids involved with designing their own spirit wear,” Dorothy Galuppo, Bear Boosters treasurer and mother of two LZHS students , said. “You guys are the ones wearing it, not us. We want to boost some more school spirit and get the kids more aware that we’re really here for you guys. We want you guys to be able to wear clothes that you’re proud of.”
The design must be, at most, the size of a sheet of paper, with one or two colors only. Students can also choose the color of the shirt. The design is largely up to the artist, but it must somehow incorporate #LZNation into the design.
“[We want] to promote school involvement,” Bonnie Murphy, Bear Boosters merchandiser, said. “Give the kids a chance to use their art, a chance to do something that might end up being on a shirt they could wear. Another creative outlet to promote awareness of the school store.”
The winner will receive a $25 gift card to the school store and the new T-shirt.
Design submissions can be dropped in the LZ Bear Booster box in the main office. To view other available shirts, students can visit their website or visit the store, open every Friday during lunch hours.

Brianne is an aspiring writer with many poems and short stories filed away. Her current project is a full-length novel she hopes to publish. She is very...