Student Council announces ‘Blacklight’ dance to be held February 27
After leaving hints on Twitter and daily school announcements, Student Council reveals the plan to host ‘Blacklight’ an evening filled with “neon, dancing, and vibrant fun” on February 27.
Although the event is scheduled to take place next month, ‘Blacklight’ is still considered an unofficial school event by school administration and will need 500 student signatures on a petition, that will be passed around during their lunch periods, to prove the “event is in demand.” Once all signatures are collected, the process to make the event official will continue until funding and other requirements are met.
“If administration gives us the ‘okay’ we’ll start selling about 400 pre-sale tickets. Once we sell all 400 tickets, [Student Council] will be able to hold the event and start planning how much money we’ll need for supplies and other things for the event,” said Megan Yerger, senior and executive vice president of Student Council.
This will be the school’s first ‘Blacklight’ event and Student Council members encourage students of all grade levels to participate, according to Yerger.
“I think students will like this event. I’m very excited about it and I think it’s going to be a great time because students won’t have to spend money on expensive dance tickets, dates, or anything too big,” Yerger said. “It’s going to be very fun and I think it’ll be a more easy-going night than a super formal dance.”
Students like Carmen Ramirez, junior, also are excited to see how the ‘Blacklight’ event compares to events held in the past.
“During my freshman year, we had Turn-about, which was fun but I wasn’t really a fan of formal dances,” Ramirez said. “I’m hoping that now that [Student Council] is making a new event like ‘Blacklight’ it’ll be another fun event that the school holds every year.”
According to Yerger, tickets will be on sale to students for $10 once the event is made official. Students are encouraged to dress in white or neon clothing to glow under the blacklights, however, other neon supplies will be provided.

As a sophomore, Dayna is first-year Spotlight writer. She loves dogs, playing guitar, and music. Some of her favorite artists are Fifth Harmony, Twenty...