Boys bowling team ready to strike at State

Photo by Photo permission by Mike Sutton
Coaches, Mike Sutton, Kirk Reusch, and Steve Schmitz gather with the boys bowling team as they pose with their first place plaque at regionals. This is the team’s first time winning the IHSA regional championship.
The boys bowling team is on a roll this season. After placing first at regionals, the team moved their way up to sectionals, placing third overall.
“We’ve talked all season long about what our goal at the end of the year is,” Mike Sutton, head coach, said. “Our goal at the end of the year was to qualify for the state tournament and in order to qualify for the state tournament, you got to get through regionals onto sectionals and then get top six in sectionals. [Winning regionals] really felt like a giant confidence boost to us.”
In a bowling tournament, there are eight roster spots and five players bowl at any given time. Players go through three series, which are a set of three games. At the end of nine games, the total pin count determines placement.
“[The regionals] tournament was pretty unique for us because all eight kids bowled at least one full game so everybody that we brought contributed to the championship effort which isn’t only the case,” Sutton said.
The bowling team prepared for the tournaments by practicing everyday, Monday through Friday’s.
“The kids are so dedicated that they will pay their own money to go to a bowling alley outside of practice and put in the time to improve their game,” Sutton said.
One of the players, Connor Kovanda, senior, has been bowling on the team for four years, and along with the team victory, took second place individually at regionals for the second year in a row.
“As a team I thought is was a great achievement because I wasn’t expecting first [place]. It was pretty amazing because we had a lot of people that pulled a lot better than they normally would have,” Kovanda said.
As for state, Kovanda and Sutton hopes to place in the top six.
“We need to use this confidence going into [the tournament],” Sutton said, “and understand that we are talented, we can beat anyone out as long as we execute.”

Along with being Editor-in-Chief of the Bear Facts magazine, Chloe is involved with Yearbook, Student Leadership, Student Council, SNAP, and Interact....