Adult Living class celebrate (mock) wedding

While many children and young adults dream and fantasize about their wedding day, most do not expect their Big Day to happen in high school in front of their classmates and teachers.

Members of the adult living class, open to juniors and seniors did just that at their mock wedding on December 15. This class explores the development and preparation that goes into a wedding hands on.

“The big point of the project is for students to learn about healthy relationships and what that looks like and how it leads to marriage,” Lauren Engelhardt, adult living teacher, said.

Each student had a role to play in the wedding planning or in the ceremony attended by friends, family, and faculty.

“[I came] because [my] friend told me about it. Since my friend Sarah Blase [junior] had never been to a wedding before, I thought I may as well take her as my date,” McKenna Zobel, sophomore, said.

A bride and groom were randomly chosen from those who volunteered and other jobs like maid of honor, parent of the bride, and coordinator were also randomly selected. For this mock wedding, Caroline Niepsuj, senior and Sean Finn, junior played the roles of bride and groom.

“I like this class because it’s a lot of fun and you build so many close relationships with your classmates,” Niepsuj said. “I [also] learned how itchy wedding dresses are!”