Chicago Wolves’ player visits, speaks with French classes
A Chicago Wolves hockey player and Montreal native visited French classes on Wednesday, March 4 to talk about his hockey career and help the students practice their French.
Mathieu Brodeur, defenseman for the Chicago Wolves, spoke with French classes during eighth and ninth periods in the PAC. He answered questions while students took notes in French about him and his career. Afterwards, he signed posters and jerseys and posed for photos with students.
“[Jeanette] Greco, [career mentor], is in charge at the school of trying to get speakers and presenters from the outside world that could be how your subject relates to everyday life,” Katy Norberg, French teacher, said. “This is the third time we’ve tried to make it happen, but it’s the first time we’ve been able to make it happen with our dates and their dates.”
The visit was supposed to expose the students to a French dialect that is slightly different than that taught in school.
“A lot of students were able to hear the difference between the French that was spoken in Canada versus the French that was spoken in France,” Norberg said. “And I think it was just a valuable opportunity to speak to an actual person who speaks French in a comfortable setting, no pressure.”
The setting worked well for students and allowed good practice, according to Victoria Volante, junior.
“It was really cool having him there and getting to talk to him and ask any questions,” Volante said. “It was a really informal thing. It was very relaxed, in a nice setting.”

Brianne is an aspiring writer with many poems and short stories filed away. Her current project is a full-length novel she hopes to publish. She is very...