District festival unites all orchestra students
In a rare event, all of the orchestras in the District performed together on Sunday, February 22.
The elementary, middle, and high school orchestras played in their biennial concert from 3pm to 5pm in the Field House, and admission was free. The concert was designed to keep the younger children interested in the orchestra program, according to Serge Penksik, orchestra director.
“The main purpose behind it is to show growth and continuity of our strings program,” Penksik said. “And also to motivate the younger students, to show them where they could potentially be once they get to high school, the level of playing they could achieve.”
Kelly Schwantes, sophomore, enjoys the opportunity to inspire the children.
“I think it’s a great way for the younger students to get a taste of what the next step is for them,” Schwantes said. “I think now that I am on the older end of the spectrum, it is an opportunity for me to encourage younger students to get to the next level, to where Symphony Orchestra is.”
With such a positive impact, one might think the concert should be a yearly staple. However, the concert happens once every two years for a couple reasons.
“Part of it is that it makes it special when it’s a little bit more rare,” Penksik said. “It’s something to look forward to. And at the high school, we also do a concert with a professional orchestra the years we don’t do the district festival, so we alternate.”

Brianne is an aspiring writer with many poems and short stories filed away. Her current project is a full-length novel she hopes to publish. She is very...