Joelle Charbonneau to visit LZHS library, sign books
Joelle Charbonneau, author of The Testing and its sequels, will visit the school on December 8 to discuss her book and give advice to aspiring writers.
Charbonneau will be in the library throughout the day. Students can have her autograph a copy of her books. The school has a limited quantity of each book in The Testing series for sale for $10: sixty of The Testing, twenty of Independent Study, and twenty of Graduation Day. The author will also be talking to the students.
“In my eyes, when a student connects with an author, it makes them even more connected to a book,” Amy Pine, library media specialist, said.
Pine arranged for Charbonneau to come visit because of an event at her old school, Fremd High School, where they would have a solid week of writing-related seminars and workshops.
“We did this thing called Writer’s Week, where students, faculty, and professional writers present their writing and basically talk about writing every period of every day of the week,” Pine said. “I would love to get something like that going here, eventually, but that’s a really big undertaking.”
She is starting small, bringing in one author for the first time at LZHS. Pine knew Charbonneau from when the writer visited Fremd, so she arranged for Charbonneau to come visit.
Because of Charbonneau’s upcoming visit, the Book Club is currently reading The Testing. Thursday, the club drew posters representing dystopias and how the novel fit and did not with generalizations about the genre.
The club is about halfway through the book, according to Kelsey Bobrowski, sophomore.
“I really like this book,” Bobrowski said. “It’s like a creative twist between Divergent and The Hunger Games. Everyday kids can connect to it because it’s basically a test. Since we have these problems, we can connect to the characters, so it’s easier to connect to the book.”

Brianne is an aspiring writer with many poems and short stories filed away. Her current project is a full-length novel she hopes to publish. She is very...