Stairwell murals temporarily removed, bathroom mural painted over
As part of the summer roof renovation at LZHS, the walls in both main stairwells have been replaced, resulting in the murals being temporally removed until after school begins.

The two murals which are normally hanging in the stairwells, a Robert Frost poem in the E hallway stairwell and a math painting in
the D hallway stairwell, are being stored until the roofing project is completed. The original mansard paneling, a type of roof style, has been replaced with new mansard paneling.
“If you were to go outside [during the construction], in all the stairwells, when they took off [the paneling], the stairwells were exposed to the outside. I had to take the art murals down, otherwise they would’ve ended up in the garbage along with all the other roof panels,” Ryan Rubenstein, assistant principal of student activities and facilities, said. “As soon as I know they are done with the project, then we will get them back up.”
After the construction company, All American Roofing, is done with the project, the school will go through and complete a process called a substantial completion.
“Substantial completion is [the construction company] basically saying 99% of the work is done, and then we go around and we say, ‘oh, this should be removed from here’ and all that kind of stuff, which they are still responsible for,” Rubenstein said. “I don’t want to put anything up before that punch list is all done.”
Along with the murals temporarily being removed, the mural in the bathrooms by door seven, or the senior doors, has been painted over with no plans in set to be replaced. According to Rubenstein, the bathrooms might be renovated in upcoming summers as part of the smaller summer projects.
“I will get a better idea of that in February of what kind of summer projects were looking at,” Rubenstein said. “Honestly, I was thinking about this the other day, the E hallway, the D hallway, and the two sets of B hallway bathrooms all still need to get redone. Normally, they do one set a summer. We did the ones by the main gym, so it depends by what we feel we can accomplish.”