Dan Duffy, State Senator from District 26, visited government classes at LZHS to encourage students to get involved in politics and discuss his work in the legislature.
“I’m speaking about what it’s like being in the state senate and about different legislation that I’m working on and some different experiences I’ve been having since I’ve been in the state legislature,” Duffy said.
Duffy talked about some of the bills he worked on, such as one against the implementation of red light cameras.
“I’ve been working on bills to encourage job growth, fight corruption, and keep taxes low,” Duffy said.
Duffy encouraged the students to actively participate in state government.
“I think that politics is a very honorable career,” Duffy said. “Unfortunately, in Illinois it’s had a bad name because of the Rod Blagojevich trial. Our reputation is hurting, but I think now is the time for good people to step up to change our reputation and help the state of Illinois to get back on top…we need people in high school to start thinking about that, because they really are going to be our future leaders.”
Angelica LaVito contributed to this article.