Frosh Friday: Theater geek
Frosh Friday featuring: Griffin Brown
Middle School: North
Q: What’s your favorite memory from this summer?
A: One is probably going to Six Flags with my friends. We were there all day and it was fun.
Q: What did you do at Six Flags? What kind of rides did you go on?
A: I’m really into roller coasters and stuff, so all the big roller coasters. We were actually there on a really lucky day because it was supposed to rain all day and it ended up being really sunny so it was pretty empty so we got to go on all of the rides, basically.
Q: Do you have any goals you’d like to accomplish during your time at Lake Zurich?
A: It’s just to do well academically obviously, which I think is everyone’s goal, and I’m really into theater and stuff so hopefully I could get in.
Q: So are you going to be auditioning for the productions we put on during your freshman year?
A: Yes, I am planning on auditioning. I know a lot a freshmen don’t get in, but I’ll audition and hope for the best.
Q: What is the extent of your experience in theater before?
A: I’ve done the middle school shows and I’ve also done outside shows. So I think I’ve done a total of thirteen musicals or plays. So yeah, I’m a drama kid.

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