Frosh Friday: Ready for the new stage of high school
Name: Jack Frommelt
Middle School: Lake Zurich Middle School South
Q: Do you think you’ve changed from the beginning of middle school to where you are now?
A: I’ve changed a lot. I sometimes go and I look at previous posts on social media and I don’t know who I was back then. I guess a lot of your experiences change who you are and it’s crazy how much you can change in three years.
Q: What do you think the most exciting thing about going to LZHS is?
A: I think it’s about the opportunity that you get. There’s so much ahead of you. In the next four years, you’ll be going off to college or you’re going to find a career, which is kind of scary but very exciting.
Q: What’s an activity that you started doing in middle school that you want to continue in high school?
A: Starting out around third grade, I’ve been doing theater. I do plays, musical theater, and I’ve been doing it all throughout middle school and I hope to continue it through high school.
Q: Do you plan on getting yourself involved in the theater program at school?
A: Definitely. I want to join drama club. I’m going to be taking Men’s Choir, Drama I, and Drama II starting my freshman year. I’m also going to try out for all of the plays and musicals.
Q: What are some mistakes you’ve made in middle school that you don’t want to repeat in high school?
A: Sometimes thinking that since the year is over, you don’t try as much anymore. Every single thing you do, it’s going to come back. It definitely matters more that I’m in highschool now, so I think people, and even myself need to pay attention to that.

As a sophomore, Dayna is first-year Spotlight writer. She loves dogs, playing guitar, and music. Some of her favorite artists are Fifth Harmony, Twenty...