Frosh Friday: incoming freshman ready for new start in high school
Name: Corrie Frank
Middle School: North
Q: What are you the most nervous for in high school?
A: Getting lost. I’ve been in the school many times for sports, so I mostly know my way around, but I still feel like I’m going to get lost.
Q: Do you feel prepared to start high school?
A: Yeah, since I have my older sister to help me out and teach me what to do. She was a big help at the start of middle school too. She’s driving me to school, so that’s nice. She also can help teach me who to be friends with. Not like the exact people, but warn me of the groups to stay away from and how I can tell who real friends are.
Q: What are your plans in the fall of your freshman year?
A: I’m planning on joining a lot of volunteering clubs and a bunch of sports and hopefully get good grades! I think it’s important to get involved. I’m going to do cross country my sophomore year, and doing volleyball freshman year. And I think I’ll be playing soccer in the spring.
Q: How long have you been playing volleyball?
A: There’s a high school camp [for volleyball] coming up next week, and I’m doing that. This will be my 3rd year doing it. I’ve also done rolling thunder camps and played in middle school.This year I chose to do volleyball because it’s something I can start. If I don’t like it, I can always sign back up for cross country. I just really want to try something new.
Q: Are there any classes you’re excited about taking?
A: I’m excited about taking art and ceramics. During the summers I’ve done some art classes for summer school.I mostly like photography, but for actual art I like drawing more. [I think that] art just allows people to be who they are and express themselves.

As a senior, Meggie is the Web Editor-in-Chief of Bear Facts Student Media. Previously, she was the Social Media Manager in charge of the staff Twitter...